At Unity Degree College your experience will be nothing short of the most interesting journey of your life. Where on one hand we provide you with the best educational platform you could possibly receive on the other we offer you the stage to develop personally and morally by organizing various cultural, corporate and social events all of which encourage you to be the best you could ever be. Our faculty will always be there for you as an encouraging and positive force. So having the best academic life as well as positive mentoring will surely add great value to your time spent here with us at Unity Degree College
Cultural Events include celebrating all festivities in a secular manner. Our students get to showcase their creativity by performing skits and dance and singing competitions, etc., On our Annual day celebrations which are highly enjoyable and very much appreciated. Students are also awarded on academic excellence and good conduct on such occasions.
Corporate Events are another attraction at Unity Degree College. Our students are invited to participate at prestigious corporate events which provide them with great exposure and gives them an insight into the corporate world. These types of corporate events help our students to meet and interact with the who’s who of the industry. These events keep students updated with the latest trends.
Social Events are extremely gratifying and provide our students with a great sense of satisfaction. Driven by humanitarian grounds our students have participated in several blood bank donations and visited many homes and shelters of the under privileged. All this allows our students to showcase their talents, increase their confidence and get to learn their strengths at a truly practical level.
At Unity our students form clubs to bring a sense of oneness and team work. These clubs carry out activities through the year. These clubs are mentored by our faculty to encourage them in the right spirit.
We at Unity believe that a little recreational activity is necessary to take the edge of the day, reduce your stress levels and refresh your minds. So our indoor games room provides you with a whole lot of board games to give you the right type of break you require between your academic pursuits.